Tirupati Vip Darshan Tour Package From Chennai
Know More Details About The Tirupati Vip Darshan Tour Package From Chennai, Location, Timings, And Contact Information Are Given Below
The personality Darshan Package for Tirupati, which costs Rs 300 and leaves from Chennai, includes Seeghra as one of its featured lodestones. The trip will commence in the megacity of Chennai and end in the same place.
This offer entitles the sucker to a free breakfast each morning, and depending on the degree of luxury they prefer, they will be lodged in either a two-star, a three-star, or a five-star hostel during the duration of their stay.
Tirupati Vip Darshan Tour Package From Chennai
In addition, the sucker will get gratis transportation to and from the hostel. In addition to that, you will not have to worry about getting to and from the field since this deal includes a complimentary shuttle service. The sucker will get two laddus after the darshan as part of the overall plan, which will also give them the help of a stint companion as well as a trip in a hack once the darshan is over. Worshippers who have completed their Tirumala Darshan have the option of continuing their service in the Padmavathi Ammavar Temple after they’ve returned from Tirumala.
They’ve access to this choice as an option. Transport the passenger to the spot that has been designated as the place where they should be dropped off. hacks and public motorcars are both accessible to the pilgrims; it’s over to the trippers to choose which means of transportation will serve their requirements in the most advisable manner. Taxis will come to your house to pick you up, and also they will drive you back there when the stint is over. Poonamalle has boarding stations at Poonamalle and Poonamalle, while T- Nagar, Saidapet, and Guindy each have their boarding stations for motorcars.
Guindy’s boarding stations are located near T- Nagar. For the Volvo Sleeper Bus, there’s an option for a package known as the Semi-Sleeper, which doesn’t contain air exertion, as well as an option known as the Slumberer, which does include air exertion. Appearance at Tirupati –8.00 am You have the option of using a hack, a machine operated by the RTC, or a Tempo Traveller while traveling to Tirumala. appearance at Tirumala –9.00 am Hair immolation( Mottai) & Bathing at Kalyanakatta –10.00 am Sheegra Darshan is anticipated to arrive at the ATC Auto Parking area at precisely 1030 in the morning.
Tirupati Vip Darshan Tour Package From Chennai
- At 130 in the autumn, trippers traveling to Tirupati in motorcars, taxicabs, and tempos are anticipated to be on their way.
Visit Sri Padmavathi Devi Temple –at 3.30 pm.
- Around five o’clock in the autumn, we’re going to go on the road and head to Chennai. 900p.m.
- The following are the aspects of the trip that are included in the package costs for going there and coming back again to Tirupati Darshan.
- The costs of the tickets The charges for parking, as well as other charges, incurred Taking care of the necessary, freights and tariffs State duty permit
- .The breakfast as well as the lunch if that particular choice is offered.
- The morning of the personality Darshan package for Tirupati on day one Bangalore is going to be the first stop on the stint.
- Transportation, whether it is a machine or a hack, will leave at 10:00 in the morning on day two.
- This departure will take place. appearance at Tirupati -4.00 is You find yourself completely awake and alert at 5:30 in the morning.
- Visit Sri Padmavathi Devi Temple –6.30 am Sheegra Darshan is the author of this report, which she wrote around 1030 in the morning.
- Collect Laddu Prasadam –12.30 pm trip to Tirupati-1.30 pm Departure from Tirupati to Bangalore-3.30 pm.
- Charges incurred in going to the destination and also returning, The Tirupati Darshan requires callers to pay a variety of costs, including sacrifices, parking freights, and the purchase of tickets.
- Charges that are borne by the motorist on their levies and other financial assessments that are assessed by the state
The above information is the complete details about the Tirupati Vip Darshan Tour Package From Chennai
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