TTD Free Darshan Ticket Counters In Tirupati Offline Booking

Know the latest news about the TTD Free Darshan Ticket Counters In Tirupati Offline Booking, TTD Free Darshan Ticket Offline Counters In TirupatiĀ 

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) have decided to resume the offline issue of Slotted Sarva Darshan (SSD) tokens since the intensity of the Covid-19 pandemic has diminished in both the state and the country.

The SSD token distribution will start at Srinivasam, Bhudevi Complex, and Govindaraju Satram at six in the morning (1 and 2 NC). These counters will dispense around 15,000 SSD tokens every day on a first-come, first-served basis in order to prepare for the darshan the following day.

TTD Free Darshan Ticket Counters In Tirupati Offline Booking

Offline counters for free darshan at Tirumala:

Timings of Offline counters for Tirumala free darshan are at Srinivasam Bhudevi Complex and Govindaraju Satram (1 and 2 NC):

  • 6 AM to 6 PM (Daily)

Which Documents Must Be Provided for the Sarva Darshan?

  • Passport, voter identification card, or Aadhaar card of the applicant
  • The names and ID numbers of everyone who has ever attended for darshan are recorded.

TTD Sarva Darshan instructions:

  • The website’s ticketing mechanism may be used to buy tickets for the Sarva Darshan.
  • The darshan time window will be shown on your ticket.
  • In order to avoid hassles and traffic, every worshipper should keep to the hour.
  • People should drop off their luggage at the entry point, and then pick it up at the PAC IV.

How to Order Free Darshan Tickets Online at TTD:

  1. Visit the TTD Balaji website and fill out the required blanks using your username and password.
  2. Select the “Sarva Darshanam” option on this page, which means “Free Darshan,” after which you should select the day and the number of attendees.
  3. Utilize the calendar provided to make your decision. Both open and filled time slots will be shown by the system.
  4. The time, the number of applicants, and any additional laddus that could be required are the next three inputs.
  5. If you are one of the visitors, click “booking” to make a reservation for yourself. If not, click “booking for others.”
  6. When you click on the pilgrim’s data, the website will show it to you so you may check it or make any required adjustments.
  7. Choose a payment gateway from those offered, then input the necessary amount.
  8. The system will provide a receipt in the form of a PDF file that includes details about the visitors.
  9. You may print it off or save a copy of the data to your computer, but be sure you bring it with you to the door so it can be verified.

Prerequisites for the Tirumala darshan include the following:

  • Devotees visiting Tirumala should provide a proof of their covid immunisation. It is essential to do this.
  • If a certificate is not immediately available, a negative covid-19 test result must be obtained within 72 hours of the darshan time.
  • Worshipers who wish to have darshan must dress according to tradition.
  • A blue backdrop indicates that the tickets have not yet been distributed, a green background shows that there are still tickets available, and a red background reveals that the quota has been reached while making reservations for tickets.

Click Here to Book for Tirumala Darshan Online Now

Click here to Know More about Tirumala Darshan Details

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