Sainik Niwas in Tirumala Rooms Online Booking and Phone Number

Know the details about Sainik Niwas in Tirumala Rooms Online Booking and Phone Number, Tirumala Sainik Niwas Rooms Online Booking and Phone Number

Tirumala Sri Venkateswara Temple is a well-known Hindu temple in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is in Tirumala, near Tirupati, in the Chittoor district. The main god of the temple is Lord Venkateswara, who is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Balaji, Govinda, and Srinivasa are all names for Venkateswara. Every year, millions of people come to the temple to pray. During important events and festivals, like Brahmotsavam, there could be as many as five million pilgrims. 

Sainik Niwas in Tirumala Rooms Online Booking and Phone Number

Sainik Niwas Tirumala:

A lot of current and former soldiers and their families go to the temple. In order for them to live in a clean and pleasant place, it was important to build a place for them in Tirumala. The idea for Tirumala Tirupati Sainik Niwas (TTSN) was first thought of in July 2002. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams rented 6600 square feet of land with the help of many people (TTD). The building of TTSN began in 2002 and ended in May 2010. The TTSN was built close to the temple grounds. It is a comfortable place to stay, and the prices are very fair.

Tirupati Tirumala Sainik Niwas is a special place in Tirumala for military members of all ranks, both active and retired, and their families who are visiting Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam. You can use the Internet to book this service. Officers, JCOs, and OR can schedule and pay for costs related to guest rooms.

Room Type Room No Def Civ Army Air Force & Navy
Ac VIP Suite 1 and 2 1650 750 1200
Ac Premium 3 to 7 1650 650 1200
Ac Super Deluxe 8 to 10 1350 500 900
Non Ac Deluxe 11 to 18 900 300 500
Dormitory 350 150 250

About twenty people can stay at Sainik Niwas. The rooms are on four floors: the basement, the ground floor, the first floor, and the second floor. A lift has been put in between these levels to help people who have trouble climbing stairs.

Click here to book Sainik Nivas rooms in TIrumala

Remember these important things:

  • You can stay at Sainik Niwas for no more than two days.
  • There are no plans for TTSN to feed tourists who stay there. There are many good places for guests to eat nearby.
  • The time to check in is 1300 hours, and the time to check out is 1100 hours.
  • If you are late after 1100, you will be charged for one day.

Sainik Niwas Tirumala Phone Number:

  • Complaints can be made only on working days, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • TTSN Reception: 0877 2277007 or 8008170437

Sainik Niwas Tirumala Online Booking:

  1. On the Sainik Niwas website, use the Bookings menu.
  2. Click on the “Room Booking Request” drop-down menu and fill out the required input fields.
  3. Your room request will be confirmed by your registered email.
  4. Your room request will be looked at to see if you are eligible and if rooms are available.
  5. When your request is approved, you’ll get an email asking you to pay for the rooms you’ve chosen. Once the money is in the bank account of sainik niwas, your room will be reserved.
  6. You will get an email letting you know this is true.

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12 Responses


    Sir, I am Ex-army person. Can I also book rooms with my dependents?

  2. K Visweswararao (Sgt) says:

    Room request code:133611 & Payment code:134098 Sir Rs 1000 trf to 34101230755 To sbi sainik niwas account on 9/2/2023. No confirmation of allotment received. We had been calling everyday, said it will be done but not rec’d any confirmation yet.

  3. K Visweswararao (Sgt) says:

    Good response from the staff. They reacted and needful done. Highly appreciated.

  4. Sadananda says:

    Good afternoon Sir. I am Ex-Havildar Sadanand from Bangalore. My room request Code is :136730 dated 26.04.2023 11.58 AM . As room resevation is required on 27.05.2023, neither payment has been made to you regarding any room booking from us nor any information about reservation confirmation has been given by you. please inform soon.

  5. PC Nagaraju says:


  6. Venkata Krishna Reddy B says:

    I, Venkata Krishna Reddy retired lance naik , want to book rooms on May 17Th and 18th , 2025., kindly help me to book the room

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